Service of IZh 2126
1. General information
2. Engine UEPA-331
3. VAZ-2106 engine
4. Cooling system
5. Power supply system
6. Carburetor
7. System of ignition of the engine UEPA-331
8. System of ignition of the VAZ-2106 engine
9. System of production of the fulfilled gases
10. Coupling
11. IZh-2126 transmission
12. VAZ-21074 transmission
13. Cardan transfer
14. Zadny Bridge
15. Forward suspension bracket
16. Back suspension bracket
17. Steering
18. Brake system
19. Electric equipment
20. Body
21. System of ventilation and heating
22. Features of a design of the IZh-2717 car
23. Appendix
24. Care of a car body
24.1. Sink bodies
24.2. Preservation and protection of a paint and varnish covering

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24. Care of a car body

Regular wash of the car - an important part of care of a body. Dirt, salt, a bird's dung and other pollutants accumulate on a body, over time forming a film which leads to paint tarnishing, and threatens to spoil further appearance of the car seriously.

Before use of medicines attentively read the instruction. If in it the reference that medicine needs to try to be applied on the imperceptible site of a body or salon is had, surely make it.

Apply special car shampoos to a wash of the car. It is not recommended to use household detergents as they contain chemicals which can damage a paint and varnish covering.

The first 2-3 months of operation it is desirable to wash a car body with cold water.

In the summer the car is usually washed in the open air, at the same time it is necessary to watch that the body was in a shadow.

In the winter if the wash of the car was made in the warm room, before departure on the street the body should be wiped dry - in order to avoid cracking of a paint and varnish covering.

The sink requires a large amount of water (30-50 l).

We wash away friable dirt and road dust, pouring over the car water from a bucket or from a hose.

We dissolve shampoo with water in the ratio, specified in the instruction on packing.

The car is washed element-wise from top to down: roof, cowl, etc.

For washing of a roof it is convenient to use a brush with the long handle (the ends of a bristle have to be tousled).

We apply a sponge or soft fabric to washing of a cowl and other parts of a body.

The sponge - is more preferable. It keeps bigger amount of shampoo, it is simpler to it "to maneuver". At the same time the sponge has to be krupnoporisty - a small time will not allow to avoid scratches.

We wash away shampoo a large amount of clear water.

We collect the water which remained on a surface by damp suede.

We examine a body. Permanent pollution (spots from poplar kidneys, tar, traces of a bird's dung — they are especially harmful)...

... we delete with a special cleaner (see the instruction to a cleaner).

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23:18. The applied fuel, lubricants and operational liquids
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24.1. Sink bodies