2.7. Removal of the drive of the distributor of ignitionWe uncover the ignition distributor, without taking out high-voltage wires from its nests (see. "Removal of a cover and rotor of the distributor of ignition"). We establish cranked and distributive shaft in the provision of the end of a step of compression of the first cylinder. For this purpose we turn a bent shaft in the direction of rotation a tag on a pulley of a bent shaft so far (the second for the direction of rotation) will not be established opposite to a pin on the lower cover of the drive of the camshaft (see. "Check and adjustment of thermal gaps in the drive of valves")...
... and the tokoraznosny plate of a rotor of the distributor will not be established opposite to contact of a high-voltage wire of the first cylinder in the distributor cover (marked from above on a cover with figure "1"). We remove the ignition distributor (see. "Removal of the distributor of ignition").
Cap key "on 10" we turn off two nuts of fastening of the case of the drive of the distributor to the lower cover of the drive of the camshaft.
We take out the distributor drive from a cover nest.
We remove sealing laying.
We install the distributor drive in the return sequence. At the same time...
... we focus a roller groove, as shown in a picture.
When the gear wheel of the drive of the distributor enters gearing with the leading gear wheel of a bent shaft...
... the roller of the drive will a little turn counterclockwise, and the groove of the roller of the drive will reach such position.